Monday, 6 June 2016

My 20 books of Summer

Cathy at @cathy746books has set readers and other bloggers a challenge to read 20 books of Summer.
I was going to try 10 books at first for the 20 Books of Summer challenge, partly because at some point during the Summer will be moving house. Once I started adding books to the list, I couldn't stop so 20 books it is.

First one to read has been on my kindle for a while and have no idea why I haven't read it yet because I like reading about alternative lifestyles

1. Watery Ways: Val Poore

2. The Beekeeper's Secret Josephine Moon
This book was very kindly sent as Book Post via the publisher along with some lovely additional gifts.

3. The Running Hare: John Lewis-Stempel
After reading Meadowland by this author and listening to extracts on Radio 4 Book of the month I pre-ordered this and it was a very lovely Book Post when it arrived.

4. A Darker Domain: Val McDermid
A book I've had for a while and haven't got around to reading yet.

5. The Secrets of Rue St Roch: Janet Morgan

Another physical book I've had for a while but haven't got around to reading. Mine has a different cover.

6. The Mystery of Mercy Close: Marion Keyes

Marion Keyes is one of my favourite authors and this must be one of the very few of her books that I haven't yet read.

7. See How They Run: Tom Bale

'The thriller everyone is talking about' except for me because I haven't read it yet!

8. Trapped: My life with cerebral palsy: Fran Macilvey

A book I've been wanting to read for a while.

9. The Lost Child: Ann Troup
Bought two of Ann Troup's books recently as they were on offer, so if I like this one may read The Silent Girls too.

10. Whisky From Small Glasses: Denzil Meyrick
A friend of mine recommended this author to me, knowing that I'm a crime fiction fan with a liking for Scottish Noir, so will start at the beginning of the series.

11. Coffin Road: Peter May

I've been wanting to read this since the publication date, but it was a bit pricey at first, so now it's on sale at a more reasonable price, I'll buy it.

11. Born For Life: A Midwive's Story: Julie Watson

Recommended to me by a friend who knows that I can't resist memoirs of a medical nature. My fifth grandchild is due to be born in November so it's possible I may become a tad emotional reading this!

12. I know Why The Caged Bird Sings: Maya Angelou

Amaxon informs me that I bought this last November so it's about time I read it. Have heard so much about this lady, so I'm looking forward to reading this.

13. How To Be Brave: Louise Beech

Have heard only good things about this book and the author had a new book out soon that I like the sound of.

14. Best Seller: Terry Tyler
I bought this in kindle edition after reading about it on Twitter and having a few friendly chats with the author. Sounds interesting.

15. My Kind of Food: Recipes I love to cook at home John Torode

As a huge fan of Masterchef and a cookery book collector, I couldn't not obtain a copy of this book to read and try out some of John Torode's own recipes.

16. Flowers For The Dead: Barbara Copperthwaite

This book has had good reviews from members of The Crime Book Club Facebook group.

I'm going to cheat a bit here, but only slightly because I'm going to leave 17. 18. 19 & 20 for a short while because some favourite authors have new books out in the June-September period, which will be added here. All reviews will have their own blog page and then all listed in the A-Z index. 


  1. Some good looking books there :-) I've only read the Maya Angelou (which is great!) so will await your thoughts on the others. Happy reading!

    Stephanie Jane @ Literary Flits

  2. A great list with a lot of variety! The Peter May is excellent - I'm a big fan of his stuff. I don't think I've read that Val McDermid but I usually enjoy her stuff. And coincidentally I just read my first Denzil Meyrick a couple of weeks ago - not that one, a later one in the series. I'll be interested to hear what you think of these, and the other ones... have a great summer of reading! :)

  3. i loved the Maya Angelou book - its honest, funny and thought provoking.

  4. I've read all Denzil Meyrrick's books. They are Brilliant! I also enjoyed Coffin Road. Enjoy each and every one one your list as I've not read any of the others(to my shame)!

  5. I've read all Denzil Meyrrick's books. They are Brilliant! I also enjoyed Coffin Road. Enjoy each and every one one your list as I've not read any of the others(to my shame)!
